Monday, January 28, 2008

Purchase evaluation equipment or software

Purchase evaluation equipment or software

The table and the comparisons are only as good as the data used. And he investment decision (also known as capital budgeting) is one of the fundamental decisions of business management: managers determine the assets that the business enterprise obtains. These assets may be physical (such as buildings or machinery), intangible (such as patents, software, goodwill), or financial (see below). The manager must assess whether the net present value of the investment to the enterprise is positive; the net present value is calculated using the enterprise's marginal cost of capital. Also there are types of software. According to the Committee identified four categories for new software acquisitions:Corporate Applications: Software to be used throughout the University System or at more than one campus. Campus Applications: Software to be used campus-wide or by more than one Division, or requiring network level support at the campus. Department/Division Applications: Software to be used in multiple Departments, either within a campus, or by similar departments at several campuses, that does not require campus-wide network level support. Limited Use Applications: Software to be used for specialized applications within a Department. Although the guidelines have been designed to address the varying needs during the acquisition of these types of software, the Committee recognizes that not all software purchases will fit neatly into one of these categories. The degree of integration with the University's existing computing environment will greatly influence who should be involved in the process. The Committee also prepared recommendations for Upgrades or Expansion of Existing Systems and for Software Maintenance. Maintenance, If appropriate, the initial periods of maintenance should be included in the RFP (RFB) specifications and life cycle costing should be used in the evaluation. Beyond this period, maintenance costs should be reviewed as part of the decision process to continue or replace a system. Approval of maintenance contracts will be in accordance with delegated levels. Upgrades Or Expansion Of Existing Software ,Review benefits of replacement vs. upgrade (Project leader and/or designated individuals). Provide sole source justification to Procurement (Project leader), if applicable. If not, refer to the steps identified for other software acquisitions. For a major acquisition, possibly inform the Board of Curators. And Obtain the necessary approvals.
Example of software requirements to be follow:
Recommended Process
The following twelve steps have been identified for software acquisitions. For large, corporate systems, each step is expected to be detailed, and involve gathering and distribution of information from and to a wide University constituency and vendor community, and high level approvals. For the Campus, Department and Limited Use Applications, each succeeding process is expected to be relatively less detailed, quicker, and may require a narrower collection and distribution of information, and fewer approvals.
> >Recognize Need, Appoint Committee and/or Project Manager
>>Define Procurement Process
>>Define General Needs and Develop Budget Projection
>>Investigate the Market
>>Refine the Budget and Identify a Funding Plan
>>Define Detailed Needs
>>Prepare and Issue a Request for Bid (RFB) or a Request for Proposals (RFP)
>>Evaluate Bids or Proposals
>>Determine Details of Purchase
>>Negotiate Contract Language
>>Obtain Final Approvals
>>Execute the Contract

A matrix is attached which identifies who should perform each step for each of the four types of applications.
The following suggestions pertain primarily when the acquisition involves a major expenditure or affects a large group. They may be reduced or eliminated for less comprehensive acquisitions.

Hebrews 13:5

Hebrews 13:5

Let your conduct be without covetousness be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."


Man must satisfy of what he is right now and to be contented to what he received and what he had. The main concern here is that God don't want us to love the material things around us. His main purpose is to love Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. The life of a person will progress if and only if he will confess his sin and turn back to God Almigthy. God sees our heart not our physical outlook. God doesn't counts whatever sins we've done. God always there His just waiting for us to come and bow before Him.
God doesn't give us trials that we can't make it. There's a purpose for everything He'd done for us. There is a unique purpose of each and everyone.

Singlemode fiber
Fiber with a core diameter less than about ten times the wavelength of the propagating light cannot be modeled using geometric optics. Instead, it must be analyzed as an electromagnetic structure, by solution of Maxwell's equations as reduced to the electromagnetic wave equation. The electromagnetic analysis may also be required to understand behaviors such as speckle that occur when coherent light propagates in multi-mode fiber. As an optical waveguide, the fiber supports one or more confined transverse modes by which light can propagate along the fiber. Fiber supporting only one mode is called single-mode or mono-mode fiber. The behavior of larger-core multimode fiber can also be modeled using the wave equation, which shows that such fiber supports more than one mode of propagation (hence the name). The results of such modeling of multi-mode fiber approximately agree with the predictions of geometric optics, if the fiber core is large enough to support more than a few modes.
The waveguide analysis shows that the light energy in the fiber is not completely confined in the core. Instead, especially in single-mode fibers, a significant fraction of the energy in the bound mode travels in the cladding as an evanescent wave.
The most common type of single-mode fiber has a core diameter of 8 to 10 μm and is designed for use in the near infrared. The mode structure depends on the wavelength of the light used, so that this fiber actually supports a small number of additional modes at visible wavelengths. Multi-mode fiber, by comparison, is manufactured with core diameters as small as 50 microns and as large as hundreds of microns.

Multimode fiber

Multimode fiber

Fiber with large (greater than 10
μm) core diameter may be analyzed by geometric optics. Such fiber is called multimode fiber, from the electromagnetic analysis (see below). In a step-index multimode fiber, rays of light are guided along the fiber core by total internal reflection. Rays that meet the core-cladding boundary at a high angle (measured relative to a line normal to the boundary), greater than the critical angle for this boundary, are completely reflected. The critical angle (minimum angle for total internal reflection) is determined by the difference in index of refraction between the core and cladding materials. Rays that meet the boundary at a low angle are refracted from the core into the cladding, and do not convey light and hence information along the fiber. The critical angle determines the acceptance angle of the fiber, often reported as a numerical aperture. A high numerical aperture allows light to propagate down the fiber in rays both close to the axis and at various angles, allowing efficient coupling of light into the fiber. However, this high numerical aperture increases the amount of dispersion as rays at different angles have different path lengths and therefore take different times to traverse the fiber. A low numerical aperture may therefore be desirable.

Optical Fiber

Optical fiber
An optical fiber (or fibre) is a
glass or plastic fiber designed to guide light along its length. Fiber optics is the overlap of applied science and engineering concerned with the design and application of optical fibers. Optical fibers are widely used in fiber-optic communication, which permits transmission over longer distances and at higher data rates than other forms of communications. Fibers are used instead of metal wires because signals travel along them with less loss, and they are immune to electromagnetic interference. Optical fibers are also used to form sensors, and in a variety of other applications.
Light is kept in the "core" of the optical fiber by
total internal reflection. This causes the fiber to act as a waveguide. Fibers which support many propagation paths or transverse modes are called multimode fibers (MMF). Fibers which support only a single mode are called singlemode fibers (SMF). Multimode fibers generally have a large-diameter core, and are used for short-distance communication links or for applications where high power must be transmitted. Singlemode fibers are used for most communication links longer than 200 meters.
Joining lengths of optical fiber is more complex than joining electrical wire or cable. The ends of the fibers must be carefully cleaved, and then spliced together either mechanically or by fusing them together with an
electric arc. Special connectors are used to make removable connections.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ability to build the team

4. Ability to build the team

Successful managers know the importance of building a team that has depth as well as skill in critical areas. A successful manager must know how to improve an existing team, as well as how to build a new one from scratch. Every good manager I’ve seen can build the right team for the issues at hand and can anticipate what will be needed in the future so that the team is prepared for new challenges. Strong career managers are effective career builders of people. They understand the importance of career and use career building as a tool to develop a stronger team capable of operating more independently.


If I will be a manager who manages many employee, and to make improve of the company. The position really involves many responsibilities including managing of files and securing your private data about the company. It’s a proof of who I am and what will be the result of my sufferings to make good of the growth and development of company. It is always be the best and fair to the employee salary. To be a good manager, takes a lot of guts, and focus in work and to engage in a team in which not just one is working. A team were working as a whole, so without the other member of the team. It will not be able to accomplish the task work. And that reflects to the manager job of convincing to his or her teammates to encouraged them to make a good performance. And of course a good performance results to a good income. By means of increasing the salary of the employee r to your group mates that makes them to maintain and increase their efforts in work because of the bonus that you gave.
To be a successful manager of a certain company, it must have the important matters. First of all is the, vision, means being able to excite the team with large, desired outcomes. And second one is the commitment; it can be a dangerous concept because of its attendant assumptions. And the very important one is the trust; it is the antidote to the fears and risks attendant to meaningful commitment. Trust means confidence in team leadership and vision. Another thing to have is that it must be Inclusion means, getting others to commit to the team effort, helping others through their "diving board doubts" to genuine commitment. Help exchange is the final step in creating the team is to establish a corroborative, balanced strategy for reaching the committed vision. Some cases that some are more skilled than others, and result to be competitive on the job in every member of the team. To be a qualified manager of a group in the company, you don't have to be easy-going, well educated, hard-nosed, or even especially intelligent to build a team. You don't have to be anything other than yourself. You can be effective with people using common sense and a few fundamental principles. Working well on any team generates energy and enthusiasm for life. And in a company the career of individual is highly demand to obtain and build it so well. That’s why it’s important to conduct seminars. Because it’s an additional knowledge to the employee or to the manager itself. A good way to analyze present effects is through discussion, particularly with a good listener (as opposed to a good advisor!). Evaluate outcomes, again concentrate on desired effects and adjust as needed. What new learning emerges? What new applications? How can you build? What indicators are you using to monitor progress in the revitalization? Intelligence is a product of continuous and spontaneous learning. Learning requires diversity of viewpoints and the ability to change viewpoints. The major obstacle to both is inflexibility. In a changing environment, the factors of danger, risk and potential loss can engender assumption and rumor. You can train people to think quality, to think service—but there's a difference: whether these efforts come from trust and commitment, and whether they're genuine.
An active feeling of trust is confidence: in leadership, in veracity, in reliability. A passive feeling of trust is the absence of worry or suspicion. Our most productive relationships are already based on trust, sometimes unrecognized and frequently taken for granted. Successful trust-building hinges on three components of communication: intention, preparation, and mechanics. List the important misunderstandings or frustrations from your perspective. Think through to some possible win/win outcomes. But rather than take positions at this point, identify the general substance of each interest.